EXCLUSIVE: Blake Lively EXPOSED As BULLY? Shamed Interviewer Reveals Nightmare Junket Experience!

Blake Lively’s reputation took a hit recently after a viral video emerged from a junket interview, where the actress allegedly exhibited rude behavior towards interviewer Kirsty.

On Popcorn Planet, host Andy Signor and guest Kirsty delved into the controversial interview that has sparked widespread discussion. Kirsty, who experienced the awkward encounter firsthand, described it as a distressing experience, emphasizing the discomfort she felt during the interview.

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Interview Clip Breakdown:

In the interview, Blake Lively appears to react dismissively to Kirsty’s questions. The clip includes a moment where Kirsty congratulates Lively on her pregnancy bump, which Lively reportedly took offense to, leading to a strained interaction.

The interview further deteriorates as Lively seems to disregard Kirsty’s questions about the movie’s wardrobe, which Kirsty found to be a fair topic considering Lively’s known interest in fashion.

Kirsty’s Reaction:
Kirsty revealed that she was taken aback by Lively’s response and felt uncomfortable throughout the interview.

She explained, “I was just feeling let this be over as soon as possible. It was an out-of-body experience because I couldn’t really grasp what was happening.” She further clarified that her congratulations on Lively’s pregnancy were meant to be polite and respectful, not intrusive.

Lively’s Behavior:

The video captures Lively making a snide comment about Kirsty’s physical appearance, which was interpreted as a personal insult. Kirsty noted that Lively’s behavior, coupled with an eye roll from co-star Parker Posey, contributed to an overall impression of bullying.

Public and Industry Reaction:
The viral nature of the interview has led to significant backlash against Lively. Many critics argue that her behavior reflects poorly on her public persona.

However, Kirsty pointed out that celebrities often remain unaccountable for their actions. She expressed skepticism about whether Lively would offer a public apology, stating, “People in Hollywood never apologize, even when it’s the most natural thing to do.”

Blake Lively’s Co-star Controversies:
Adding to the drama, Lively’s co-star, Justin

Baldoni, has been facing his own set of controversies. Allegations about tension on set and claims of fat shaming have surfaced.

Kirsty noted that she found the fat shaming allegations to be contradictory, given her own experience of being fat-shamed by Lively.

Final Thoughts:

Kirsty, despite her negative experience, remains open to the possibility of an apology but doesn’t expect one. She emphasized the need for accountability and expressed her hope that Lively would acknowledge her mistakes publicly.

This exclusive interview sheds light on the darker side of celebrity interactions, prompting a broader discussion on respect and professionalism in the industry.