NFL’s Jonathan Owens Defends Simone Biles After Fan Calls Her ‘So F***ing Rude’

Jonathan Owens is firing back at a fan who said his wife, Simone Biles, was a complete jerk while out on a recent shopping trip … saying the accusations are all a lie.

The fan claimed the unpleasant run-in with the gymnastics star happened several months ago at a makeup store she had been working at.

In a series of tweets, the woman said Biles was “so f***ing rude” … and, at one point during the shopping spree, denied her coworker a picture with her daughter while at check out.

She claimed Biles said at the time, “Absolutely not. Your daughter is 4 she doesn’t even know me.” She also said the 26-year-old complained to the store manager about being watched while she was perusing through items.

“For months after,” the woman wrote in one of her tweets, “every time I’d see new about her and they would call her sweet I just recall how mean she was for no reason. When she left we all were like ‘what the f*** just happened.'”

But, Owens — the Green Bay Packers defensive back who married Biles earlier this year — called cap on the story in his own series of posts on X on Thursday … saying Biles is the “sweetest person in the world.”

“Spreading lies on the internet is crazy,” he said. “It’s okay for her to deny a picture. People don’t understand sometimes you just want to shop in peace, if she stops and takes one picture people will just keep following her and won’t leave us alone.”

“And another thing,” he continued, “I’ve never heard her talk to someone like that, especially to someone who asked her for a picture, like why would you try to make her look like that.”

“I’m not going for that, I don’t play bout my baby.”


Since Owens’ tweets, the woman has made her account private. It’s unclear if she’s issued a response to it all.

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